New Learners: For new learners, the modules are a great way to begin understanding the tools and practices of social science research. We suggest you start with Research Fundamentals to learn the best ways to approach research and then select additional module(s) based on your project design. For example, if you plan to conduct Interviews, we would recommend reviewing the entirety of the Interview module.
Experienced Learners: For those with previous training in social science research methods, we suggest that you review the Introduction section for a particular method (e.g., Surveys, Interviews) and then choose the subsections based on knowledge or skills you would like to acquire or refresh.
Instructors: The Social Science Research Modules can act as a pedagogical resource in your courses, acting in place of a course text and/or as supplementary materials. Any course where students complete a research project or engage with existing research could benefit from including this content, though methods courses within majors and degree programs may be the most obvious places for the modules to fit. As you plan your course, consider using full modules or linking directly to portions highlighting particular methods to help your students gain foundational knowledge that you may use and/or expand upon in the classroom.