Before you analyze your results—and before you administer your survey—it can be helpful to create a “data analysis plan” to make sure your approach is appropriate for the question you are seeking to answer (SurveyMonkey, 2021). Your goals are to understand the data you collected and answer the questions that led you to conduct research in the first place.
When planning your analysis, you’ll want to consider the core of your research question. Namely, the gap you were trying to fill, and the research strategy that produced it.
What are the three main functions of a research problem?
A research problem, or question, is the foundation of strong research. Its purpose is to introduce the reader (and you) to the problem or topic of investigation, define the parameters of what is being investigated, and provide the framework for what is necessary to conduct the study and how its findings will be presented.
Here are some questions to consider as you organize your strategy: